Prof. dr. Mario Bauer u svojoj knjizi «PAS – MOJ PRIJATELJ» (Zagreb, 1986.) među ostalim, piše i o starim hrtovima:
«Stari Hrti
U Bosanskoj Posavini, zapadno od Brčkog, do današnjih dana sačuvao se jedan prastari običaj, za koga znamo još od prije najezde Turaka. To je trka pasa koja se održava uz jedan crkveni blagdan, a za nju se uzgajaju posebni «psi za trk» kako ih početkom ovog stoljeća naziva Adametz pisac udžbenika o stočarstvu, ili «stari hrti» kako ih narod zove da bi ih razlikovao od danas mnogobrojnijih uvoznih hrtova iz zapadne Evrope.
U davna vremena ti su psi bili vrlo rasprostranjeni u našim krajevima. Spominju se u dokumentima starim oko 7 stoljeća, a čak postoji mišljenje da su Englezi iz njih selekcijom stvorili današnjeg dalmatinskog psa. Opstanak tih pasa u velikoj je opasnosti. Uvozni engleski hrtovi daleko su bolji trkači te ih istiskuju s trkaće staze, a to znači i uzgoja. Za našu kinologiju bila bi neprocjenjiva šteta da propadnu u zaborav.»
Nakon okupacije Bosanskog Broda i egzodusa ne srpskog stanovništva iz Bosanske Posavine, poglavito hrvatskog puka, naglo je porastao broj pasa beskućnika a među njima se nalazio i određeni broj hrtova, većinom grejhundi ili njihovi križanci vrlo upitnog zdravlja, a napose zubala (nakon pregleda, svi su zbrinuti kod fizičkih osoba i veterinarski skrbljeni). Po pričama ondašnjeg puka, hrte su koristili za lov krupne divljači i to trkom, a kako je lov hrtovima bio zabranjen, iste su držali po tavanima i podrumima da bi kriomice išli u lov. Zabrana lova hrtovima puno kasnije se uvela u BIH nego u HR i nije se primjenjivala na sva područja u Bosni, ali u hrvatskim krajevima jest!
Na internetskom portalu BROĐANI ONLINE u kolumni ONLINE ZOO 2001. godine objavljen je napis o starom hrtu STARI HRTI autora Maria Bauera, isti onaj koji je objavljen u njegovoj knjizi.
Kasnije sam viđao često takve bijele i šarene pse kod nas ali svi su govorili da su to «džukele». Mene roditelji nisu nikad odgajali da bi «pljuvao po tuđem uljepšavajući svoje» pa tako nisam nikad do danas dao reći za nekog psa da je džukela.
Danas te «džukele» predstavljaju posljednje primjerke starog hrta.
Na internetu još uvijek stoji na engleskom jeziku napis autorice Susann Stjernborg iz Švedske o ovom psu:
the Starohrvatski Hrt
My interest in this breed started when I got a mail that went something like this;First of all a lesson in the Croatian language; The name, "Starohrvatski hrt" is what we call them in Croatia. "Starohrvatski" means Old Croatian (Staro - Old, Hrvatski - Croatian), and "Hrt" stands for sighthound.
It is pronounced as you read it, you have to pronounce every letter in the word. Let me try to put it in English: Star-O-Her-Vat (?)-Ski Her-T. I know it's complicated for foreigners, but try it, unless it breaks your tongue, you'll have a lot of fun
http://home.swipnet.se/starcastle/star/rare/croat/croat.html In some parts of Croatia, there are people who hunt with greyhounds and borzois, but it's illegal, against the law here. Anyway, you wouldn't believe what those dogs are capable of hunting !
They even use them in groups with German Hunting Terrier, to hunt down boars !
On a few occasions some years ago, they even used azawakhs and our native breed, Old Croatian Sighthound (!!!!!), not recognized by the FCI, a breed similar to Rampur Dogs, similar in height, weight and exterior. They are black and white, spotted, exclusively.
There are just a few left here, maybe 10-20, and nobody is really trying to preserve the breed and fight for it. Anyway, it would take about 15 or 20 years to refine the breed and put some fresh blood in it, and that would definitely have to be achieved with greyhounds, which would eventually give us the same dogs like the ones we have but with a normal background (not brother/sister or mother/son or father/daughter breeding).
It is a breed with very good hunting abilities, kept exclusively for hunting a long time ago.There are so few of them, that even our Croatian Kennel Club doesn't give them pedigrees ! There was a man here, doctor of veterinary medicine, who tried to reestablish the breed, he came very close, had som litters, but people who took the puppies never bred them ! It's a damn shame (please excuse my language, but it is) !
Sadly, there is no written standard for Old Croatian Sighthound ! Imagine that !
Nobody ever wrote it, not to my knowledge, but there is a chance I don't have the last information, since I talked about them for the last time seriously some three years ago.
The breed itself is about 1200-1300 years old, according toauthorities. It's allegedly mentioned in the writings of the friars of that age, and there are probably some old drawings of those dogs.
It's unbelieveable they managed to survive almost unchanged all these years, they were just given occasional greyhound blood to freshen the lines, since there was never too many of them, and the last attempt to present them in public here was in 1993.
After that, nothing.
With the war in former Yougoslavia and all, it has been difficult to get more info out of Croatia, but a sighthound judge I managed get in touch with got this info from his Croatian judge-friend; "About OLD CROATIAN SIGHTHOUND, better known as OLD BOSNIAN SIGHTHOUND - the story was actually approx. 14-15 years ago, from University Professor Dr. Maria Bauer, who still works at Vet. University in Zagreb.
This was more an attempt to breed something than to save them, if you want my opinion.....
Unfortunately, no luck.
Nobody was interested in this, not very attractive breed, Kennel Club never gave any written act of Standard and the breed was never recognised by the Kennel Club. Believe it or I´ve never seen the breed in life, only from one photo, published in Mr. Bauer´s book.
This is all I have been able to find out, if you have additional information about this breed, please contact me.
Susann Stjernborg, Sweden
«Stari Hrti
U Bosanskoj Posavini, zapadno od Brčkog, do današnjih dana sačuvao se jedan prastari običaj, za koga znamo još od prije najezde Turaka. To je trka pasa koja se održava uz jedan crkveni blagdan, a za nju se uzgajaju posebni «psi za trk» kako ih početkom ovog stoljeća naziva Adametz pisac udžbenika o stočarstvu, ili «stari hrti» kako ih narod zove da bi ih razlikovao od danas mnogobrojnijih uvoznih hrtova iz zapadne Evrope.
U davna vremena ti su psi bili vrlo rasprostranjeni u našim krajevima. Spominju se u dokumentima starim oko 7 stoljeća, a čak postoji mišljenje da su Englezi iz njih selekcijom stvorili današnjeg dalmatinskog psa. Opstanak tih pasa u velikoj je opasnosti. Uvozni engleski hrtovi daleko su bolji trkači te ih istiskuju s trkaće staze, a to znači i uzgoja. Za našu kinologiju bila bi neprocjenjiva šteta da propadnu u zaborav.»
Nakon okupacije Bosanskog Broda i egzodusa ne srpskog stanovništva iz Bosanske Posavine, poglavito hrvatskog puka, naglo je porastao broj pasa beskućnika a među njima se nalazio i određeni broj hrtova, većinom grejhundi ili njihovi križanci vrlo upitnog zdravlja, a napose zubala (nakon pregleda, svi su zbrinuti kod fizičkih osoba i veterinarski skrbljeni). Po pričama ondašnjeg puka, hrte su koristili za lov krupne divljači i to trkom, a kako je lov hrtovima bio zabranjen, iste su držali po tavanima i podrumima da bi kriomice išli u lov. Zabrana lova hrtovima puno kasnije se uvela u BIH nego u HR i nije se primjenjivala na sva područja u Bosni, ali u hrvatskim krajevima jest!
Na internetskom portalu BROĐANI ONLINE u kolumni ONLINE ZOO 2001. godine objavljen je napis o starom hrtu STARI HRTI autora Maria Bauera, isti onaj koji je objavljen u njegovoj knjizi.
Kasnije sam viđao često takve bijele i šarene pse kod nas ali svi su govorili da su to «džukele». Mene roditelji nisu nikad odgajali da bi «pljuvao po tuđem uljepšavajući svoje» pa tako nisam nikad do danas dao reći za nekog psa da je džukela.
Danas te «džukele» predstavljaju posljednje primjerke starog hrta.
Na internetu još uvijek stoji na engleskom jeziku napis autorice Susann Stjernborg iz Švedske o ovom psu:
the Starohrvatski Hrt
My interest in this breed started when I got a mail that went something like this;First of all a lesson in the Croatian language; The name, "Starohrvatski hrt" is what we call them in Croatia. "Starohrvatski" means Old Croatian (Staro - Old, Hrvatski - Croatian), and "Hrt" stands for sighthound.
It is pronounced as you read it, you have to pronounce every letter in the word. Let me try to put it in English: Star-O-Her-Vat (?)-Ski Her-T. I know it's complicated for foreigners, but try it, unless it breaks your tongue, you'll have a lot of fun
http://home.swipnet.se/starcastle/star/rare/croat/croat.html In some parts of Croatia, there are people who hunt with greyhounds and borzois, but it's illegal, against the law here. Anyway, you wouldn't believe what those dogs are capable of hunting !
They even use them in groups with German Hunting Terrier, to hunt down boars !
On a few occasions some years ago, they even used azawakhs and our native breed, Old Croatian Sighthound (!!!!!), not recognized by the FCI, a breed similar to Rampur Dogs, similar in height, weight and exterior. They are black and white, spotted, exclusively.
There are just a few left here, maybe 10-20, and nobody is really trying to preserve the breed and fight for it. Anyway, it would take about 15 or 20 years to refine the breed and put some fresh blood in it, and that would definitely have to be achieved with greyhounds, which would eventually give us the same dogs like the ones we have but with a normal background (not brother/sister or mother/son or father/daughter breeding).
It is a breed with very good hunting abilities, kept exclusively for hunting a long time ago.There are so few of them, that even our Croatian Kennel Club doesn't give them pedigrees ! There was a man here, doctor of veterinary medicine, who tried to reestablish the breed, he came very close, had som litters, but people who took the puppies never bred them ! It's a damn shame (please excuse my language, but it is) !
Sadly, there is no written standard for Old Croatian Sighthound ! Imagine that !
Nobody ever wrote it, not to my knowledge, but there is a chance I don't have the last information, since I talked about them for the last time seriously some three years ago.
The breed itself is about 1200-1300 years old, according toauthorities. It's allegedly mentioned in the writings of the friars of that age, and there are probably some old drawings of those dogs.
It's unbelieveable they managed to survive almost unchanged all these years, they were just given occasional greyhound blood to freshen the lines, since there was never too many of them, and the last attempt to present them in public here was in 1993.
After that, nothing.
With the war in former Yougoslavia and all, it has been difficult to get more info out of Croatia, but a sighthound judge I managed get in touch with got this info from his Croatian judge-friend; "About OLD CROATIAN SIGHTHOUND, better known as OLD BOSNIAN SIGHTHOUND - the story was actually approx. 14-15 years ago, from University Professor Dr. Maria Bauer, who still works at Vet. University in Zagreb.
This was more an attempt to breed something than to save them, if you want my opinion.....
Unfortunately, no luck.
Nobody was interested in this, not very attractive breed, Kennel Club never gave any written act of Standard and the breed was never recognised by the Kennel Club. Believe it or I´ve never seen the breed in life, only from one photo, published in Mr. Bauer´s book.
This is all I have been able to find out, if you have additional information about this breed, please contact me.
Susann Stjernborg, Sweden
Is this a picture of an Old Croatian Sighthound? Where did you find the picture?